
What do you get when you have too many people in one racquetball court with half of them wanting to play racquetball and the other half want to play dodgeball? You get a bunch of idiots running around with racquets trying not to get hit by the ball! That's what you get! But, oh my, is it a good time! Beanball is a fast-paced game that requires a good blend of dodgine ability with racquet control. Bounce the ball off the wall to get other people out, but don't hit them directly or you're the one who's out! It's the only game where the most experienced in the sport can have fun alongside the newest to play. It's a game that's simply complicated and complicatedly simple.


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Saturday, December 27, 2008

You guys are crazy!

We played Beanball yesterday for a couple hours here in Boise. Every time we play here at the YMCA there are people looking into the court and you can just see their thoughts on their face "What in the world are they doing with so many people in one court? They're hitting each other with the ball and they're laughing?" We had one guy call out to us watching from the second floor where there is an opening in the court "You guys are crazy!" I called back "You want to play?" "Yeah, I think I do." After playing he said that he was going to teach the game to his nephews.